In this post I’ll show you how to create your own proxy server in minutes. Proxy server is some kind of a buffer between your computer and the designated internet destination. When you use a proxy server , your computer will send a request to the proxy server , then the proxy server will send it to the destination (for example a website), the destination will answer the request the proxy has sent and finally the proxy will return the data to you computer. . If you want to learn more about proxy server visit my previous article
What Is A Proxy Server And How To Use It
To create own proxy server follow steps below
1) Download GlypeProxy from this

2) Extract glype-1.4.1.rar file to your computer and upload it you your web server or your web host . If you don’t have web hosting check this list
Best Free Web Hosting

3) There are many ways to upload files to your web hosting , I recommend using FTP access

There’s no real set-up needed. Just point your browser to the directory where you put all those files (ex. and GlypeProxy will pop up.

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